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Resolving the Climate Impasse: Carbon Pricing & Climate Justice

Resolving the Climate Impasse: Carbon Pricing & Climate Justice

Leading economists around the world support a price on carbon emissions to combat climate change on our planet and to spur investment in renewable energy. Among them is Dr. James Boyce who argues that carbon pricing can only be made just and politically sustainable through popular support if it is linked to returning the revenue to the public as carbon dividends.

Drawing upon his new books, Economics for People and the Planet: Inequality in the Era of Climate Change (Anthem, 2019) and The Case for Carbon Dividends (Polity, 2019), Dr. Boyce will speak on how to resolve the crisis of our times through a robust climate policy that is effective, ethical and durable— and thus most likely to win broad public support.

Co-sponsored by the Branford Forum

James K. Boyce received his B.A. at Yale University and PH.D. from Oxford University. He has written for Harper’s, Scientific American, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, and numerous scholarly journals, including Proceedings of the National…

James K. Boyce received his B.A. at Yale University and PH.D. from Oxford University. He has written for Harper’s, Scientific American, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, and numerous scholarly journals, including Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. He is the recipient of the 2017 Leontief Prize for Advancing the Frontiers of Economic Thought and the 2011 Fair Sharing of the Common Heritage Award from Project Censored and the Media Freedom Foundation.